Going to Chalet de Miage via la Gruvaz
Chalet de Miage
Chalet de Miage - @KenzoHeas

Going to Chalet de Miage via la Gruvaz

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A hike for the whole family with a refreshing surprise at the end!
Discover the Miage glacier, sentinel of the climate, on an exciting hike in the heart of nature close to the local fauna.


  • Chalet-de-Miage-par-la-Gruvaz

    Credit: Points d'intérêts du parcours


4 points of interest

  • Hermine en été
    Hermine en été - @julienheuret

    The Stoat or Short-tailed Weasel

    A rocket-like appearance... White in winter with a brown back or a beige belly in summer, with a black tail tip all year round... Can you guess who's playing hide and seek in the scree? It's the Stoat, a small, fast and powerful mustelid, a member of the Badger and Marten family. It doesn't actually play, but rather hunts voles, its favourite prey, thanks to its elongated shape, which allows it to slip into their burrows, where they think they're well protected...
  • Lake

    Negative impact of artificial dams on rivers

    Occasionally, hikers and families may build a temporary dam just for fun. By creating artificial dams, they slow down the natural flow of the river and cause harmful effects: - The movement of aquatic species is essential to enable them to feed and reproduce. - The temperature of the water rises, silt and algae thrive and it becomes more difficult for fish to breathe. - Stones are refuges and habitats for many of the micro-organisms that feed fish. Moving or turning stones upside down endangers the aquatic environment. To protect the river, we must let it flow freely.
  • @KenzoHeas

    Miage Glacier retreat

    In addition to their role as climate change indicators, glaciers are extremely important ecosystems on Earth. They cover almost 10% of the world's landmass and provide crucial ecosystem functions for humans and nature, such as sea-level regulation, climate and they also provide freshwater for the continents. Over the years, the Miage Glacier has undergone a major retreat. In just 150 years, it has retreated by around 1.5 kilometres since it was first stretched to the Grand Pont bridge in 1850. The Grand Pont bridge can be seen on the way up the stream to the Miage pastures. To find out more, visit the Ice Life project website, run by Asters-CEN74: https://www.iceandlife.com/
  • ©LaChaîneMétéo

    Weather vs Climate

    Weather forecast is the assessment of what the weather will be like over a short period of time. Forecasts are made on the basis of fluid mechanics, combining factors such as air, wind and water... Climate is the study of meteorological variables over a long period of time (30 years by convention). Several parameters distinguish weather from climate: - The time scale: weather forecasts are made over a week, whereas climate trends are thought out over a decade or even a century. - The geographical scale: weather forecasts are local, whereas climate forecasts look at trends over an entire region, or even the planet. In short: weather forecasts look at day-to-day fluctuations, whereas climate forecasts look at all these fluctuations over a long period of time. Here’s a fun hint: You've been a calm, reserved person for 30 years (climate) and you get all worked up for 72 hours (weather)!


From the centre of Saint-Gervais, the shuttle bus takes you to the hike’s starting point in less than 20 minutes. After crossing the Miage stream, go uphill on the marked trail to Maison Neuve. Turn right towards Chalets de Truc. Once you reach them, just below the chalets, you'll find an orientation map showing the stunning panorama of the Miage domes and their glaciers, the Aiguille de Bionnassay, the Aiguille de la Bérangère and the Col du Tricot. The descent to the Miage mountain pasture is down a steep trail that offers breathtaking views of the stream and the Miage chalets. In front of you is the Col du Tricot with its highest point at 2120 m. Return via the wide country road to the Gruvaz parking area.
  • Departure : Saint-Gervais, Le Bettex cable car
  • Arrival : Saint-Gervais, Télécabine (Cable car) Le Bettex
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Gervais-les-Bains and Les Contamines-Montjoie

Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
Impacted practices:
Aerial, , Land, Vertical
Asters - Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Haute-Savoie

Black grouse - winter

Impacted practices:
, Land
Sensitivity periods:
Asters - Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Haute Savoie
Christelle BAKHACHE : 06 49 99 99 48


Always be careful and plan ahead when hiking. Asters, CEN 74 can not be held responsible for the occurrence of any accident or incident on this trail.


Timetable of the bus departing from the cable car parking area, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains centre.

Access and parking

The Gruvaz car park has very little space. We advise you to take the bus from Saint-Gervais centre.

Parking :

Saint-Gervais Télécabine (Cable car) : 201 Av. du Mont d'Arbois, 74170 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains

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